Keep Pacific Grove Beautiful
Pacific Grove Cares is a nonprofit volunteer organization dedicated to maintaining and improving the town's public landscape.
Pacific Grove Cares is a nonprofit volunteer organization dedicated to maintaining and improving the town's public landscape.
John Steinbeck
Pacific Grove Cares is a 501 c 3 nonprofit volunteer organization (EIN 99-4737679) dedicated to restoring, maintaining and improving the town's planted public landscape. Imagine creating a thriving pollinator pathway of native plants that becomes a vibrant backdrop to enjoy as you go about all your activities in our special town. Through community engagement programs and educational outreach, we encourage the adoption, restoration and ongoing care of Pacific Grove's public spaces to keep our town beautiful.
John Muir
Pacific Grove Cares, is a nonprofit 501 c 3 charitable, volunteer organization. Our administration & project management is performed by volunteers. We hire local professional gardeners and contractors on tasks that are too strenuous or require specific skills & purchase the required plants, materials and tools.
We know you love this town and thanks to generous people like you, our work to keep Pacific Grove beautiful and inviting will be possible and continue for many years to come.
How to support Pacific Grove Cares: The most financially efficient way to make a donation is to mail us a check.
Send your check to: Pacific Grove Cares, P.O. Box 2023, Pacific Grove, CA 93950.
You can also make a donation online using PayPal, or a Credit Card using the donate button below.
Your gift to Pacific Grove Cares, is tax deductible. We are a nonprofit 501 (c) 3, our EIN: 99-4737679.
Contact us to volunteer or donate and to learn how you can help.
Learn more about our upcoming projects, events, fundraisers, and more!